Premier: 8TH June 2023
In today's world, sports dominate our daily lives, with constant media coverage of events, athletes, and organizations. This relentless pursuit of excellence is closely tied to the ideal of a peak-performing body. Elfriede Jelinek's play "Sportstück" explores this theme, tracing the evolution of human bodies pushed to their limits in the pursuit of athletic glory.
The production spans key moments in sports history, from the ancient Olympics to Leni Riefenstahl's glorification of the athletic body in 1936 to the rise of bodybuilding culture in the 1980s. It also delves into the impact of the digital age, where bodies are redefined through avatars.
Set against the backdrop of the 2023 Special Olympics in Berlin, where athletes with disabilities showcase their talents, the play emphasizes the connection between sports and broader societal themes. Collaborating with directing students from Ernst Busch University, RambaZamba Theater brings together diverse voices to explore the intersection of sports, disability, and inclusion on stage.
Mit Juliana Götze, Anil Merickan, Hieu Pham, Jonas Sippel, Sebastian Urbanski
Chor Bettina Brezinski, Selina Fischer, Eva Gerngroß, Fleur Grelet, Anna Sehls
Künstlerische Gesamtleitung Jacob HöhneBühne Jacob HöhneKostüme Nicole Timm
Choreografie Sara Lu
Musik Leo Solter
Videoprojektionen & Visualisierungen Marco Casiglieri
Chorleitung Bernd Freytag
Dramaturgie Frank Raddatz
Leitung Technik Robert Philipp
Regieassistenz Michael Geißelbrecht
Dramaturgieassistenz Joy von Wienskowski
Regiehospitanz Prune Tirmarche, Lilly Pöhlmann, David Zaldivar Hanke the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.