Ein Sportstück
Premier: 8TH June 2023
In today's world, sports dominate our daily lives, with constant media coverage of events, athletes, and organizations. This relentless pursuit of excellence is closely tied to the ideal of a peak-performing body. Elfriede Jelinek's play "Sportstück" explores this theme, tracing the evolution of human bodies pushed to their limits in the pursuit of athletic glory.
The production spans key moments in sports history, from the ancient Olympics to Leni Riefenstahl's glorification of the athletic body in 1936 to the rise of bodybuilding culture in the 1980s. It also delves into the impact of the digital age, where bodies are redefined through avatars.
Set against the backdrop of the 2023 Special Olympics in Berlin, where athletes with disabilities showcase their talents, the play emphasizes the connection between sports and broader societal themes. Collaborating with directing students from Ernst Busch University, RambaZamba Theater brings together diverse voices to explore the intersection of sports, disability, and inclusion on stage.
Mit Juliana Götze, Anil Merickan, Hieu Pham, Jonas Sippel, Sebastian Urbanski
Chor Bettina Brezinski, Selina Fischer, Eva Gerngroß, Fleur Grelet, Anna Sehls
Künstlerische Gesamtleitung Jacob HöhneBühne Jacob HöhneKostüme Nicole Timm
Choreografie Sara Lu
Musik Leo Solter
Videoprojektionen & Visualisierungen Marco Casiglieri
Chorleitung Bernd Freytag
Dramaturgie Frank Raddatz
Leitung Technik Robert Philipp
Regieassistenz Michael Geißelbrecht
Dramaturgieassistenz Joy von Wienskowski
Regiehospitanz Prune Tirmarche, Lilly Pöhlmann, David Zaldivar Hanke the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
No means no. But what if this self-evidence dissolves? In Germany, every fourth woman is the victim of physical or sexual violence by her partner at least once in her life. Girls and women with disabilities experience violence two to three times more often than the general population. The Spanish choreographer Sara Lu, together with the ensemble, addresses the phenomenon of domestic violence against women. The body, which is the target of violence and submission, will take up the fight against patriarchal structures, dependency and violence with a wide variety of choreographies. Violence that is perpetrated, reproduced and still far too often tolerated by men worldwide.
Mit: Grit Burmeister, Eva Fuchs, Hieu Pham
Gäste: Sabina Moe , Roberta PupottoWhatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Tanztraining Flamenco : Ari la Chispa
Musik : Nikolaos Tsiachris
Bühne : Jacob Höhne
Kostüme: Beatrix Brandler
Licht : Andrei Albu
Dramaturgie : Jacob Höhne
Technische Leitung : Marco Casiglieri
Regieassistenz : Michael Geißelbrecht
Regiehospitanz: Patrycja Maslowska
The RambaZamba Theater turns 30 (+1) this year! We are celebrating the birthday with the world premiere of “Golem”, a production that brings together artists from spoken theater, deaf theater, dance and music in order to combine the different artistic forms of expression into a polyphonic spectacle. Author Bernd Freytag, director Jacob Höhne, the RambaZamba Ensemble and numerous guests are jointly developing a piece about the human dream of becoming a creator. The uncontrollability of the newly created being, the golem, reflects our fears and dystopian fantasies.
The legend of the golem has inspired numerous artists to this day: According to it, Rabbi Löw created a golem in Prague in the 16th century, which is said to still live in a room without access, only to reappear every 30 years. It is a mute, human-like being made of clay, often of enormous size and strength, and able to carry orders out. A golem isn't finished, it doesn't have a soul yet. As Heiner Müller wrote, it is not possible for him to die because the dead come back. This state creates space and freedom.
Author: Bernd Freytag
Director: Jacob Höhne
Ghostdance - RambaZamba Theater
The musician Andreas Spechtl (yes, panik!), Who has already participated in several RambaZamba productions (Rausch Royal, Moby Dick, Hi Freaks) and the author and playwright Thomas Köck (also already a guest at Hi Freaks) are organizing together with The RambaZamba Ensemble this ongoing, never-ending reflection, a late-night conversation about what has been, about utopias, turntables and synthesizers with the spirits of the 20th century. "(Spechtl / Köck) Sponsored by the Musicboard Berlin-
Direction and music :Andreas Spechtl, Thomas Köck
Choreografie: Sara Lu
Heroes - RambaZamba Theater
With: Lioba Breitsprecher, Grit Burmeister, Mario Gaulke, Juliana Götze, Moritz Höhne, Hans-Harald Janke, Pascal Kunze, Sascha Perthel, Hieu Pham, Andreas Rosenzweig
Guests : Matthias Geserick (Musiker), Sara Lu, Rúben Nsue, Leo Solter,
Choreography : Sara Lu, Rubén Nsue
Direction: Jacob Höhne
Dramaturge : Jacob Höhne
Costume : Beatrix Brandler
Music: Leo Solter
Moby Dick
Moby Dick - RambaZamba Theater
The material is still relevant. The change in our society has an enormous impact in the way we define masculinity to date. Jack Urwin, a young English writer talks in his book ‘Man Up: Surviving-Modern Masculinity’ of the crisis of masculinity. He is identifying an abnormal willingness to take risks at the expense of one’s own life as one of the symptoms. Similar to the sailor Starbuck, Jack Urwin is calling us to pause and to reflect on the role of the man within our society. This is why we can’t win the battle with the white whale which is leading directly to our downfall.
With: Moritz Höhne, Pascal Kunze, Hieu Pham, Andreas Rosenzweig, Jonas Sippel, Aaron Smith
Guests: Boris Jacoby, Skye MacDonald, Felix Loycke, Florian Loycke, Sara Lu, Mattias Mosbach, Rúben Nsue
Director: Jacob Höhne
Choreography: Sara Lu, Rúben Nsue
Costume: Janina Brinkmann
Music: Andreas Spechtl
Dramaturgie : Steffen Sünkel
Puppen: Das Helmi
Chor: Bernd Freytag
Schwester - RambaZamba Theater
Regie: Jacob Höhne
Das Theater RambaZamba tanzt sich in einer intensiven Performance an Tschechow heran: Drei Frauenkörper zum Knäuel verschlungen, spiegelblank der Bühnenraum. Man ahnt es schon. Ein Kabinett der Seelenschau ist hergerichtet. Für seine neue Produktion haben sich das integrativ arbeitende RambaZamba-Ensemble und der Regisseur Jacob Höhne Inspiration bei Anton Tschechows „Drei Schwestern“ geholt. Welchen Resonanzboden findet das Drama aus der Zarenzeit um fatal-verstrickte Familienbande und die Sehnsucht nach einem anderen Leben im Heute?Das Trio Juliana Götze, Hieu Pham und Sara Lu formt eine Antwort in körperlichen Interaktionen, die ohne Text auskommen und dennoch viel erzählen (…) Für atmosphärische Dichte in dieser Parabel um persönliche Freiheiten, Sehnsüchte und Gefangensein in Strukturen sorgt der dunkel-drängende Elektrosound, der SCHWESTERN bis ans Ende trägt. Sechzig Minuten hochkonzentriertes physisches Theater. (Annett Jänsch, zitty)
Mit: Juliana Götze, Hieu Pham, Sven Hakenes, Pascal Kunze, Sascha Perthel
Gäste: Sara Lu,
Choreographie: Jacob Höhne, Sara Lu
Bühne: Jacob Höhne
Kostüme und Maske: Beatrix Brandler
Dramaturgie: Kristina Ohmen
Musik: Stefan Dohanetz, Leo Solter